Thursday, March 31, 2005

Human Resource XML Consortium Launches European Chapter


Microsoft Office Professional Developer Portal

Microsoft Office Professional Developer Portal

How to Prepare for the Microsoft Platform Tests

How to Prepare for the Microsoft Platform Tests

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What is EAI?

EAI refers to Enterprise Application Integration. EAI is the merging of applications and data from various new and legacy systems within a business. Various means are employed to accomplish EAI, including middleware, in order to unify IT resources, maximise new ERP investments, diminish errors and get everyone on the same page. EAI enables companies to link their existing software applications with each other and with portals. EAI provide the ability to get their applications to exchange critical data. EAI is usually close to the top of any CIO's list of concerns. There are different approaches to EAI. Some rely on linking specific applications with tailored code, but most rely on generic solutions, typically called middleware. XML, combined with SOAP and UDDI is a kind of middleware.

NOAA WebService Weather Forecase ASP.NET ServerControl

NOAA WebService Weather Forecase ASP.NET ServerControl

Very nice combination between control and webservice.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

script to copy create db backups, restore them, and call the web config adaption script

@echo offecho create network mappingnet

use I: \\DBServer\F$\SQLData\BackupForCopy /user:Administrator XXX >nul

echo run script to create backups
@isql -U sa -P XXXX -S DBServer -i "\\DBServer\F$\SQLData\BackupForCopy\RunScriptForDumpBackup.sql" >nul

echo Copy all DB's from the Server to localcopy \\DBServer\F$\SQLData\BackupForCopy\backup\*.*
echo Delete all created backups on the server
del /Q \\DBServer\F$\SQLData\BackupForCopy\backup\*.*

echo run script to
restore db's@isql -U sa -P XXXXX -S localhost -i "E:\SQLServerBackups_DBServer\RestoreDB.sql" >nul

echo Delete all copied backups
del /Q E:\SQLServerBackups_DBServer\DBBackup\*.bak >nul

echo delete network mapping
net use I: /delete >nul

echo changing all web.config files to localhost db
cscript LocalDB.vbs >nul

vbscript to change several config files

My environment is using an separeted db server. So i created a scipt where i can just copy all db's and afterwards i'm using a vb script to modify all web.config

Const FilePath1 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppAccount\"
Const FilePath2 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppApplication\"
Const FilePath3 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppBilling\"
Const FilePath4 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppFailures\"
Const FilePath5 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppLog\"
Const FilePath6 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppNotification\"
Const FilePath7 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppStatistic\"
Const FilePath8 = "D:\DotNet\Indexus\WsAppSupplier\"

Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2

Dim strFrom, strTo

strFrom = ""
strTo = "localhost"

ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath1 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath2 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath3 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath4 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath5 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath6 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath7 + "Web.config"
ChangeDB strFrom, strTo, FilePath8 + "Web.config"

'Msgbox "All config files changed to localhost", 0, "Localhost DB Script"

Sub ChangeDB(strFrom, strTo, FilePath)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, ForReading)

strText = objFile.ReadAll objFile.Close
strNewText = Replace(strText, strFrom, strTo)

Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FilePath, ForWriting)
objFile.WriteLine strNewText objFile.Close

set objFile = nothing
set objFSO = nothing

End Sub

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Article about restoring db's

coding guidelines

The following Code-Guidelines is an extract which I took form a german .Net magazine. My personal point of view of those guidelines makes really sense the develope such lines for coding.

coding collections:

describe genereal basic classes and how you should use them.

  • How do you use the Exeption Handling
  • How do you protokoll failers? Where do you handle failures and finally which data is going to be listed.
  • How do you make Database access. Capsulation of classes, DB mng. they're abstract or build in.
Naming Convensation
  • Namespaces, Structures
  • Filesystem, organisation of projectfolders and filenames
  • prepare lines for files, namespaces, assemblies, classes, methods, parameters, variables, properties, constants, forms, controls

Object Oriented

  • prepare lines what kind of properties, methods etc. can be public, protected, private ....
  • Factor (addition of code which can be used in same baseclasses)
  • usage of abstract classes
  • usage of interfaces
  • overloading
  • how deep its allowed to inherit


  • size of classes, methods, files, namespaces & assemblies (normaly we speak about LLOC - logical lines of code)
  • define complexity of classes and methods
  • dont allow constucts like typeof() - its usage is to use over polymorphism


  • size of files, classes, methods und lines
  • tabulator
  • comments
  • etc.

Legimitation of non allowed constructs

  • exeptions always happens in a any kind of project. if this case happens try to comment and explain why its happens and maybe give a sample or somehting simular
  • add links to articles (create a knowleage bases available with links from your code)

Friday, March 04, 2005

script to copy db backups between servers

@echo off

net use Z: \\ServerName\ShareFolderName /user:Administrator yourPass

@isql -U sa -P secuse12sql -S ServerName -i "

net use Y: \\ServerName1\FolderForDBDumps /user:Administrator yourPassnet
net use X: \\ServerName2\FolderForDBDumps /user:Administrator yourPass

copy \\ServerName1\FolderForDBDumps\*DemoDump.* \\ServerName2\FolderForDBDumps

net use Z: /delete net use Y: /delete net use X: /delete


Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Clean .Net Environement

In my point of view, environments for Java and .Net has today all needed components to create a clean environment – most on it is free or comes built in with other components like VS.Net or the SQL Server Desktop Tools.

What do I mean with clean Environment; you should set your focus as much as possible on automation in generation and testing.

Which elements should I integrate when I create new environments? After several months, and I believe I spent quite high invest to make the researches I got finally my decision:

Microsoft Environment:

FxCop -> from Microsoft got from their Design Rules quite lot of new inputs.
Nant -> automatically compilation.
NUnit -> automatically testing
XmlUnit -> automatically testing
CLR Profiler -> CLR profiling
SQL Query Analyzer -> SQL profiling
MS Application Center Test -> installed with VS.Net
Cruise Control -> continuous build process

Java Environment:


I'll concentrate myself on MS tools and not on Java. So dont search inside this blog about Java realted stuff.

Shared Cache - .Net Caching made easy

All information about Shared Cache is available here: Its free and easy to use, we provide all sources at codeplex.

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