Tuesday, January 22, 2008

make more test does not mean you gain code coverage

Today's conclusion is based on the the following number flow: 2.6 % my coverage gained. Sure it's better then nothing but the conclusion is quite simple.

After the first bunch of Unit Test I have written i reached a coverage of 49.86% with a total of 70 unit test. Maybe the proper name of Unit Tests is wrong the some of them are also testing communication between the client and server module, but even then, lets make it easy and now we call them Unit Test which are starting indeXus.Net Shared Cache Server upon start up to test all different transport options over the wire.
Yesterday's Print screen with a total of 70 Unit Test:

And today's print screen with an additional 30 Unit Test:

more detailed view:

In nature of coverage the change is small but in sense of testing purposes my whole protocol is tested now. This is not less important then the coverage but I still held on the number to reach a coverage of 90%

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